Newsletter #45


Software releases, news articles and other new stuff

[German] Generiere dein Datenauskunftsbegehren | Digitale Gesellschaft
#digiges, #dsg, #generator

Gemäss Datenschutzgesetz hat jede Person das Recht zu erfahren, welche Daten über sie gespeichert sind, und diese – wenn nötig – löschen oder korrigieren zu lassen. Dieses Auskunftsrecht ermöglicht es, die Kontrolle über die eigenen Personendaten zu behalten. Jede Person muss aber selber aktiv werden und dieses Recht wahrnehmen.

Very helpful tool by the Digitale Gesellschaft. I'll gladly make use of it and I'm curious to see what some companies have stored about me.

Release v0.11.0 · ActivityWatch/activitywatch
#release, #activitywatch

After 7 long months, we've finally got the v0.11 release ready, and it comes with a lot of new features, bug fixes, and UX improvements.

ActivityWatch is a very cool tool, and I'm running it since some time on my work laptop to see where I actually spend time. Very welcome upgrade it is. I would have many ideas for data to feed in, if I would just find time to write the data gathering scripts...

Announcing etcd 3.5 | etcd
#release, #etcd

When we launched etcd 3.4 back in August 2019, our focus was on storage backend improvements, non-voting member and pre-vote features. Since then, etcd has become more widely used for various mission critical clustering and database applications and as a result, its feature set has grown more broad and complex. Thus, improving its stability and reliability has been top priority in recent development.

I didn't realize that it has been so long since the last etcd release. And I think this is good as it proves that etcd is absolutely working behind the scenes.


Interesting articles and blog posts

What happens when you register a domain name? - Afnic
#dns, #domain, #registry, #explanation

The registrar and the registry must communicate with one another. The registrar asks the registry whether the name tested by the user is free and available for registration. The registrar then asks the registry to place the name in the database. This communication follows a standardised protocol called EPP, Extensible Provisioning Protocol.

Very cool insight into a process which I wasn't too familiar about.

The Wondrous World of Discoverable GPT Disk Images
#systemd, #partitions, #gpt, #linux

A number of years ago we started the Discoverable Partitions Specification which defines GPT partition type UUIDs and partition flags for the various partitions Linux systems typically deal with.

Wow, very cool. Linux gets overhauled on many places. The next time I log in to a modern Linux and wonder where `/etc/fstab` has gone, I now know where to look.

The social contract of open source
#opensource, #opinion

Remember that I didn't force you to take the software. The act of taking the software was done under free agency, so getting mad about the free gift of some open source code that you chose to take seems to be more your own problem than mine; you are totally capable of using that free agency again and stop using the source code.



Open Source tools newly discovered

#javascript, #react, #vscode, #design

A design and coding environment for React projects and components that runs in the browser. It combines VSCode with a design and preview tool, and full two-way synchronisation: design and code update each other, in real time. And unlike any design tool out there, it uses React code as the source of truth.

Ingress Builder
#kubernetes, #ingress, #helper

Ingresses are Kubernetes resources used to direct HTTP and HTTPS traffic to your cluster services. In order to correctly use an ingress resource a dedicated ingress-controller must be present and running in the host cluster. Ingress Builder allows users to select any annotation from the list of available controllers, to add to the ingress manifest.

nushell/nushell: A new type of shell
#linux, #shell

Nu draws inspiration from projects like PowerShell, functional programming languages, and modern CLI tools. Rather than thinking of files and services as raw streams of text, Nu looks at each input as something with structure. For example, when you list the contents of a directory, what you get back is a table of rows, where each row represents an item in that directory. These values can be piped through a series of steps, in a series of commands called a 'pipeline'.

senthilrch/kube-fledged: A kubernetes add-on for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the cluster worker nodes, so application pods start almost instantly
#kubernetes, #operator, #image

kube-fledged is a kubernetes add-on for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster. It allows a user to define a list of images and onto which worker nodes those images should be cached (i.e. pre-pulled). As a result, application pods start almost instantly, since the images need not be pulled from the registry.

slackhq/nebula: A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
#network, #overlay, #vpn

Nebula is a scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security. It lets you seamlessly connect computers anywhere in the world. Nebula is portable, and runs on Linux, OSX, Windows, iOS, and Android. It can be used to connect a small number of computers, but is also able to connect tens of thousands of computers.

reactive-tech/kubegres: Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to create a cluster of PostgreSql instances and manage databases replication, failover and backup.
#kubernetes, #operator, #postgresql

Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to deploy a cluster of PostgreSql pods with data replication and failover enabled out-of-the box. It brings simplicity when using PostgreSql considering how complex managing stateful-set's life-cycle and data replication could be with Kubernetes.

replicatedhq/outdated: Kubectl plugin to find and report outdated images running in a Kubernetes cluster
#kubernetes, #images, #update, #security, #kubectl

The plugin will iterate through readable namespaces, and look for pods. For every pod it can read, the plugin will read the podspec for the container images, and any init container images. Additionally, it collects the content sha of the image, so that it can be used to disambiguate between different versions pushed with the same tag.

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